A 2020 Guide to Voting

A 2020 Guide to Voting

How to stay safe & informed

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2020 is arguably the most important voting year yet, and it's more important than ever to stay informed and safe during Covid-19 and the upcoming election. Listen to experts, like the President of Rock the Vote, as they give pressing advice on best voting practices for this unprecedented presidential race. 

What You'll Learn
• Ways to approach the more than 300 challenges to voting-related rules
• How to take appropriate safety precautions for on-site voting
• The economic implications of voting

1. A User’s Guide to Mail-In Voting
Begin to unpack a multitude of challenges to voting-related rules. 

2. Mobile Voting's Future
Explore the reasons why we can’t vote on our phones yet, despite being able to use them for virtually everything else.  

3. Voting Matters: Disinformation
Hear former director of national intelligence James Clapper explore the role of disinformation in the voting process.

4. Voting Safety and COVID-19
Break down risks and safety precautions for on-site voting with the Center for Health Security’s Dr. Caitlin Rivers and Dr. Josh Sharfstein.

5. Voting Trends, Predictions & FAQs
Dissect voting changes, trends and predictions with Carolyn Dewitt, president of Rock the Vote.

6. History of Voting, Part 1
Learn about the problems facing our democracy, including restrictive voter laws, a whacky electoral system, and representation.

7. History of Voting, Part 2
The basic tools to vote on election day, including tips for avoiding the roadblocks that will nullify your vote.

8. The Benefits of Voting
Discover what it can be like to vote as a modern Muslim American.

9. Restoring Voting Rights for Former Felons
Hear why unpaid court fees are likely to cost thousands of former felons in Florida the right to vote in the 2020 election.

10. Voting and Economics Intertwined
Look into the history of voting rights, and their long entanglement with socioeconomic status, with host Reema Khrais.

​This is a collection of free podcast episodes curated by the Himalaya Editorial Team.


The pandemic will mean that many more Americans vote by mail this year. All 50 states require people to register before they can cast a mail-in vote. But from there, the rules diverge wildly. And a lot could still change. Our correspondent Luke Broadwater, a reporter in Washington, says there are more than 300 challenges to voting-related rules winding through courts across the country. Americans should probably brace for a different kind of election night — it could be days or longer before the full picture of results emerges. Guest: Luke Broadwater, a congressional reporter for The New York Times. For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily Background reading:Republicans fear that President Trump’s messaging on voting by mail could depress turnout. But Democrats worry an overreliance on the mail could leave more of their votes uncounted.A New York Times Magazine investigation found that misleading and false claims about widespread voter fraud are part of a long disinformation effort — one that Mr. Trump has taken to new extremes.Here’s how to vote in your state.

As the U.S. gets ready for an election during a pandemic, we report on in-person voting options and review the security threats inherent in mobile or blockchain assisted voting. In a previous version of this podcast released on Oct. 2, we said that Bradley Tusk was funding mobile voting apps, including the Voatz app. Tusk Philanthropies has given funding to voting precincts to launch mobile voting pilot programs - not to the apps themselves.

Former director of national intelligence James Clapper, Win Black / Pa’lante's Ashley Bryant and The Atlantic Council’s Graham Brookie join The Post to explore the role of disinformation in the voting process.

Election season has begun and voting options vary by state. In this special bonus episode, the Center for Health Security’s Dr. Caitlin Rivers and Dr. Josh Sharfstein break down what you need to know about the risks and safety precautions for on-site voting.

Today we are talking all things voting as we mark exactly one month until Election Day. Rock the Vote is a nonpartisan nonprofit that is now the largest national organization focused on getting young people across the country to exercise their right to vote. You may remember their partnership with MTV back in the ‘90s. Rock the Vote’s President and Executive Carolyn DeWitt is here to discuss changes to voting and polling sites due to the pandemic, best practices for mail-in voting, voter trends and predictions, and she’s also answering all your FAQs about the voting process. This episode is brought to you by www.SteadyMD.com/newsworthy Be sure to tune-in again each weekday (M-F) for our regular episodes to get quick, unbiased news roundups in 10 minutes! Want to advertise/sponsor our show? Please email sales@advertisecast.com for more information.

The United States is a representative democracy. The idea is that we’re a government by the people (we vote officials into office) and for the people (the officials in office are supposed to represent our interests). But it’s not so straight forward around here. Take that golden idea and add restrictive voter laws, billions of dollars and a whacky electoral system, and representation takes on a whole different hue.

Voting in America is not always straightforward, nor is its impact always clear. In this episode, we give you the basic tools to vote on election day, including tips for avoiding the roadblocks. And for those of you on the fence about exercising that enfranchisement, a word to the wise: your vote matters. We’ll tell you why.

Muslims are being encouraged to participate in the elections, as they have been for every other election that has occurred in over the years. The speaker explains the perceived benefit(s) for the election in light...

Unpaid court fees may prevent tens of thousands of former felons in Florida from voting in the November election.

Who can afford to vote? On the season premiere of “This Is Uncomfortable,” host Reema Khrais looks into the history of voting rights in this country, and their long relationship with socioeconomic status. She’s filling in for Kai on our weekly happy hour episode to talk about it. Plus: the latest controversy at the CDC and “Fast Times at Ridgemont High.” As always, you can find a link to everything we talked about today at makemesmart.org.



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