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▍原文 Netflix’s Korean drama "When Life Gives You Tangerines" has captured audiences around the world, topping the streaming platform's global non-English TV chart. The English title, a play on "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade," aligns with the K-drama's theme. The protagonist’s many hopes and dreams are unattainable, so she must learn to make the best of what she has. Its original Korean title is a Jeju dialect expression meaning "you worked so hard". ▍語言點 1. capture /ˈkæptʃər/ v. 捕獲 2. top /tɑːp/v. 登頂 3. streaming platform 流媒體平臺 4. chart /tʃɑːrt/n. 排行榜 · top the chart 登頂排行榜,登上了榜首 5. a play on something 玩文字遊戲,雙關語 6. align with 與……一致 7. unattainable /ˌʌnəˈteɪnəbl/ adj. 無法實現的 · attainable adj. 可達到的,可獲得的 8. make the best of 充分利用 - 搜索【友鄰優課】微信小程序,收聽晨讀即可領取:《晨讀短文100篇電子資料》 關注公眾號【夏說英文日讀】,夏鵬老師送你2份見面禮:《英語學習小傳》 ...

▍原文 Netflix’s Korean drama "When Life Gives You Tangerines" has captured audiences around the world, topping the streaming platform's global non-English TV chart. The English title, a play on "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade," aligns with the K-drama's theme. The protagonist’s many hopes and dreams are unattainable, so she must learn to make the best of what she has. Its original Korean title is a Jeju dialect expression meaning "you worked so hard". ▍語言點 1. capture /ˈkæptʃər/ v. 捕獲 2. top /tɑːp/v. 登頂 3. streaming platform 流媒體平臺 4. chart /tʃɑːrt/n. 排行榜 · top the chart 登頂排行榜,登上了榜首 5. a play on something 玩文字遊戲,雙關語 6. align with 與……一致 7. unattainable /ˌʌnəˈteɪnəbl/ adj. 無法實現的 · attainable adj. 可達到的,可獲得的 8. make the best of 充分利用 - 搜索【友鄰優課】微信小程序,收聽晨讀即可領取:《晨讀短文100篇電子資料》 關注公眾號【夏說英文日讀】,夏鵬老師送你2份見面禮:《英語學習小傳》 ...

▍原文 Ropet, an AI robotic pet designed to provide interactive companionship, embodies everything we admire and fear about artificial intelligence: it’s adorable, intelligent, and emotionally responsive. Researchers in the 90s were already fascinated by the “Tamagotchi effect”, which demonstrated the intense attachment children form to virtual pets that feel real. If an AI-powered pet like Ropet expresses sadness when ignored, an adult can rationally dismiss it – but for a child, it can feel like a real tragedy. ▍語言點 1. provide interactive companionship 提供一種互動式的陪伴 2. adorable /əˈdɔːrəbl/ adj. 可愛的 3. intelligent /ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt/ adj. 聰慧的 4. emotionally responsive 能在情感上給予反饋的 5. Tamagotchi 電子寵物蛋 6. attachment /əˈtætʃmənt/ n. 依戀 7. rationally /ˈræʃnəli/ adv. 理性地 8. dismiss /dɪsˈmɪs/ v. 置之不理 搜索【友鄰優課】微信小程序,收聽晨讀即可領取: 《晨讀短文100篇電子資料》 · 關注公眾號【夏說英文日讀】...

▍原文 Ropet, an AI robotic pet designed to provide interactive companionship, embodies everything we admire and fear about artificial intelligence: it’s adorable, intelligent, and emotionally responsive. Researchers in the 90s were already fascinated by the “Tamagotchi effect”, which demonstrated the intense attachment children form to virtual pets that feel real. If an AI-powered pet like Ropet expresses sadness when ignored, an adult can rationally dismiss it – but for a child, it can feel like a real tragedy. ▍語言點 1. provide interactive companionship 提供一種互動式的陪伴 2. adorable /əˈdɔːrəbl/ adj. 可愛的 3. intelligent /ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt/ adj. 聰慧的 4. emotionally responsive 能在情感上給予反饋的 5. Tamagotchi 電子寵物蛋 6. attachment /əˈtætʃmənt/ n. 依戀 7. rationally /ˈræʃnəli/ adv. 理性地 8. dismiss /dɪsˈmɪs/ v. 置之不理 搜索【友鄰優課】微信小程序,收聽晨讀即可領取: 《晨讀短文100篇電子資料》 · 關注公眾號【夏說英文日讀】...

▍原文 Washington DC is still digesting a serious security breach at the heart of the Trump administration, which a Democrat denounced as "sloppy, careless, incompetent behavior". The White House confirmed that a journalist had been inadvertently added to an unsecure group chat in which US national security officials planned a military strike in Yemen. Just minutes after the strikes, an official messaged the group, "Amazing job," along with emojis of a US flag, a fist, and fire. ▍語言點 1. security breach /sɪˈkjʊərəti ˌbriːtʃ/ n. 安全漏洞 2. at the heart of something 某事最核心、最重要的部分 3. denounce somebody/something as … 譴責某人/某事為…… 4. sloppy /ˈslɒpi/ adj. 草率的 5. inadvertently /ˌɪnədˈvɜːtntli/ adv. 無意中地 6. military strike 軍事打擊 7. message /ˈmesɪdʒ/ (本文)v. 發信息;n. 信息 8. emoji /iˈməʊdʒi/ n. 表情符號 搜索【友鄰優課】微信小程序,收聽晨讀即可領取: 《晨讀短文100篇電子資料》 關注公眾號【夏說英文日讀】,...

▍原文 Washington DC is still digesting a serious security breach at the heart of the Trump administration, which a Democrat denounced as "sloppy, careless, incompetent behavior". The White House confirmed that a journalist had been inadvertently added to an unsecure group chat in which US national security officials planned a military strike in Yemen. Just minutes after the strikes, an official messaged the group, "Amazing job," along with emojis of a US flag, a fist, and fire. ▍語言點 1. security breach /sɪˈkjʊərəti ˌbriːtʃ/ n. 安全漏洞 2. at the heart of something 某事最核心、最重要的部分 3. denounce somebody/something as … 譴責某人/某事為…… 4. sloppy /ˈslɒpi/ adj. 草率的 5. inadvertently /ˌɪnədˈvɜːtntli/ adv. 無意中地 6. military strike 軍事打擊 7. message /ˈmesɪdʒ/ (本文)v. 發信息;n. 信息 8. emoji /iˈməʊdʒi/ n. 表情符號 搜索【友鄰優課】微信小程序,收聽晨讀即可領取: 《晨讀短文100篇電子資料》 關注公眾號【夏說英文日讀】,...

▍原文 Wu Yanni’s failure to reach the final of the women's 60 metres hurdles at the World Athletics Indoor Championships ignited a furious debate on social media. Despite setting a new national record time of 8.01 seconds, the 27-year-old missed out on the final by 0.01 seconds. Some slammed Wu for not challenging for a medal, others leapt to her defence, arguing she was the best the country had to offer. ▍語言點 1. final /ˈfaɪnl/ n. 決賽 2. hurdles /ˈhɜrːdəlz/ n. 跨欄比賽 3. ignite a furious debate 引發激烈討論 · ignite v.(本文)引發;點燃 · furious adj. 激烈的 4. miss out on something 錯過了…… 5. slam somebody 猛烈抨擊某人 · slam v. (本文)抨擊;猛摔 6. leap /liːp/ v. (本文)立刻做某事;跳 7. the best … has to offer ……能提供的最好的 - 搜索【友鄰優課】微信小程序,收聽晨讀即可領取:《晨讀短文100篇電子資料》 關注公眾號【夏說英文日讀】,夏鵬老師送你2份見面禮:《英語學習小傳》 共100篇文章,英語學習經驗獨家分享 《英文學習方法論》共72節...

▍原文 Wu Yanni’s failure to reach the final of the women's 60 metres hurdles at the World Athletics Indoor Championships ignited a furious debate on social media. Despite setting a new national record time of 8.01 seconds, the 27-year-old missed out on the final by 0.01 seconds. Some slammed Wu for not challenging for a medal, others leapt to her defence, arguing she was the best the country had to offer. ▍語言點 1. final /ˈfaɪnl/ n. 決賽 2. hurdles /ˈhɜrːdəlz/ n. 跨欄比賽 3. ignite a furious debate 引發激烈討論 · ignite v.(本文)引發;點燃 · furious adj. 激烈的 4. miss out on something 錯過了…… 5. slam somebody 猛烈抨擊某人 · slam v. (本文)抨擊;猛摔 6. leap /liːp/ v. (本文)立刻做某事;跳 7. the best … has to offer ……能提供的最好的 - 搜索【友鄰優課】微信小程序,收聽晨讀即可領取:《晨讀短文100篇電子資料》 關注公眾號【夏說英文日讀】,夏鵬老師送你2份見面禮:《英語學習小傳》 共100篇文章,英語學習經驗獨家分享 《英文學習方法論》共72節...

▍原文 Some Europeans are becoming leery of visiting the U.S., as reports of U.S. immigration authorities detaining them while traveling, for reasons that are not clear, swirl. Several western travellers have recently been rejected at U.S. border on increasingly flimsy grounds under Donald Trump's immigration crackdown, some of them shackled and held in detention centers in poor conditions for weeks. "The only reason is there is a much more fervent anti-immigrant atmosphere," an expert said. ▍語言點 1. leery /ˈlɪəri/ adj. 謹慎的,不信任的 2. detain /dɪˈteɪn/ v. 拘留,扣押 3. swirl /swɜːl/ v. (本文)未經證實的信息迅速傳播、持續發酵; 打旋,旋轉 · rumours swirl 謠言滿天 · controversies swirl 爭議四起 4. on … grounds 基於……理由 · ground (本文)n. 理由,依據,原因 5. flimsy /ˈflɪmzi/ adj. (本文指證據或理由)站不住腳的,不足信的;易損的,不牢固 6. shackle /ˈʃækl/ (本文)v. 給……戴手銬;n. 鐐銬,手銬 7. fervent /ˈfɜːvənt/ adj. 熱烈的,熱...

▍原文 Some Europeans are becoming leery of visiting the U.S., as reports of U.S. immigration authorities detaining them while traveling, for reasons that are not clear, swirl. Several western travellers have recently been rejected at U.S. border on increasingly flimsy grounds under Donald Trump's immigration crackdown, some of them shackled and held in detention centers in poor conditions for weeks. "The only reason is there is a much more fervent anti-immigrant atmosphere," an expert said. ▍語言點 1. leery /ˈlɪəri/ adj. 謹慎的,不信任的 2. detain /dɪˈteɪn/ v. 拘留,扣押 3. swirl /swɜːl/ v. (本文)未經證實的信息迅速傳播、持續發酵; 打旋,旋轉 · rumours swirl 謠言滿天 · controversies swirl 爭議四起 4. on … grounds 基於……理由 · ground (本文)n. 理由,依據,原因 5. flimsy /ˈflɪmzi/ adj. (本文指證據或理由)站不住腳的,不足信的;易損的,不牢固 6. shackle /ˈʃækl/ (本文)v. 給……戴手銬;n. 鐐銬,手銬 7. fervent /ˈfɜːvənt/ adj. 熱烈的,熱...

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