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每日一句英語頭條 | 為初學者定制的實用英語指南

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學英語 你是不是正面臨這樣的困境?








每日一句英語頭條 | 為初學者定制的實用英語指南






取其精華,去其糟粕 keep its essence and discard its dross essence n. 精髓,實質 discard v. 拋棄 丟棄 They should discard the present system entirely. 他們應該完全拋棄目前這種制度。 dross n. 廢物,垃圾 機遇前所未有,挑戰也前所未有,機遇大於挑戰。 We are having both unprecedented opportunities and unprecedented challenges, with the former outweighing the latter. unprecedented adj. 前所未有的 precedent 前例,先例,範例(證實) The frankness of the interview was unprecedented. 這次會見的坦誠是前所未有的。 outweigh 在重要性,利益或意義等方面超過 National interest outweighed local objection. 國家利益壓到了地方上的反對意見。 提高總攬全局的能力 enhance the ability of commanding the whole situation command v. 控制 管轄 Once they had commanded the seas. 他們曾一度控制了地球上的一切海域。 把我們這些分享都背出,堅持一段時間以后,你的全方位能力都會有全面的提升。所以 今天你打卡了麼?

It's looking more likely that more than 100,000 United Auto workers could go on strike by the end of next week as contract negotiations have slowed. And that could mean car prices will soar even higher. 由於合同談判放緩,下週末超過10萬名全美汽車工人聯合會成員更可能會進行罷工。這或許意味著汽車價格將進一步飆升。 United Auto 全美汽車工人聯合會 strike n. 罷工 contract negotiation 合同談判,合同協商 soar v. 尤其指貨幣或商業有關之物的急劇上升,猛漲 The price of food is soaring. 食品價格飛漲。 把我們這些分享都背出,堅持一段時間以后,你的全方位能力都會有全面的提升。所以 今天你打卡了麼?

For 90 years now, the world has been fascinated by the possible existence of a Loch Ness Monster, so this weekend researchers and true believers and even curious tourists and reporters gathered in Scotland for the biggest Loch Ness Monster hunt in half a century. 90 年來,全世界都癡迷於尼斯湖水怪是否存在。所以本週末,研究人員、相信它存在的人們,甚至好奇的遊客和記者都聚集在蘇格蘭,參加半個世紀以來最大規模的尼斯湖水怪探尋活動。 fascinate v. 強烈地吸引、迷住,使神魂顛倒 be fascinated with history 深深愛上歷史學科 She fascinated him into marrying her. 她弄得他神魂顛倒,而終於娶了她。 Loch Ness 尼斯湖(位於英國蘇格蘭北部,據稱有水怪出没)

The producer of the “The Voice of China” saw its stock tumble by the most on record after a viral video of allegations that a deceased pop star was unfairly treated during her time on the popular televised singing show. 中國好聲音的制作人在一段視頻瘋傳后,其股價創下了有記錄以來的最大跌幅,該視頻指控一名已故流行歌星的電視歌唱節目中收到不公平的待遇。 The Voice of China 中國好聲音 tumble n./v. 跌倒,墜落;(價格等)暴跌,極速下降 eg. She tripped and tumbled down the stairs. 她失足滾下樓梯。 The stock market tumbled. 股市暴跌。 viral a. 像病毒一樣擴散的 viral video 網傳視頻 allegation n.(有待證實的)指控 deceased adj.已死的,近期死去的

把握正確的輿論導向 Maintain a correct orientation for public opinion 求真務實 Stay realistic and pragmatic 銳意進取 Forge ahead with determination Forge ahead 迎著困難穩步前進 Forge ahead with one’s plans 穩健地實施計劃 The great ship forged ahead though the waves. 巨輪穩穩地破浪前進。 面向現代化,面向世界,面向未來。 Be geared to the needs of modernization, the world and the future. Gear n. 齒輪 v. 使適應 適合 Create an environnent geared to the needs of the people. 創造一個適應人民需要的環境。 把我們這些分享都背出,堅持一段時間以后,你的全方位能力都會有全面的提升。所以 今天你打卡了麼?

高速寬帶互聯網 High-speed broadband networks 高性能計算機 High-performance computer 光機電一體化 optical, mechanical and electronic integration 人機交互 Human-computer interaction 死機 System halted 把我們這些分享都背出,堅持一段時間以后,你的全方位能力都會有全面的提升。所以 今天你打卡了麼?

All that dangerous weather we've been seeing lately leads to costly air travel nightmares. 我們最近看到的危險天氣導致了價格不菲的航空旅行噩夢。 costly a. 昂貴的,價格高的 A costly strike 一場代價慘重的罷工 A costly mistake 造成重大損失的錯誤 And now some carriers are turning to artificial intelligence to help micro-forecast minute by minute to help cut delays and cancellations,even possibly avoid severe turbulence. 現在,一些航空公司正在使用人工智能,對每分鐘進行進行微預測,從而減少航班延誤和取消,甚至可以讓飛機避免嚴重的氣流。 carrier n.運輸公司,在這里指“航空公司” micro-forecast 微預測 minute by minute 每分鐘 day by day 每天 month by month 每月 cancellation n.取消 turbulence n. 氣流 把我們這些分享都背出,堅持一段時間以后,你的全方位能力都會有全面的提升。所以 今天你打卡了麼?

More teens are getting weight loss surgery than ever before after the American Academy of Pediatrics gave a green light for that. But some experts warn those procedures are not for everyone 現在越來越多的青少年開始接受減肥手術,這是前所未有的。此前美國兒科學會為減肥手術開了綠燈。但是一些專家警告說,這些手術並不適合所有人。 把我們這些分享都背出,堅持一段時間以后,你的全方位能力都會有全面的提升。所以 今天你打卡了麼?

undertake v.同意,答應,保證 undertake to preserve a strictly neutral position 承諾嚴守中立 renounce v.聲明放棄,拋棄,棄絕 renoucne one’s American citizenship 聲明放棄美國國籍 祖國和平統一大業 The great cause of peaceful reunification of the motherland cause n. 事業,奮鬥的目標 reunification n.統一 reunify v.使重新統一 引發臺海緊張局勢 Trigger tension in cross-straits relations trigger v.扣動槍的扳機;引發 臺灣問題純屬中國內政,外國勢力不得以任何借口和形式進行干涉。 The Taiwan question is China’s internal affair, and china will brook no interference by outside forces under whatever pretext and in whatever form. pretext n.借口,托詞 He used his sore finger as a pretext for not going to school. 他以手指痛為借口不去上學。 把我們這些分享都背出,堅持一段時間以后,你的全方位能力都會有全面的提升。所以 今天你打卡了麼?

We're back now with what researchers say is potential progress against a type of brain cancer that has no cure. Clinical trials of a vaccine for glioblastoma are underway and so far giving some patients precious extra time. 我們現在回來,研究人員說,針對一種無法治愈的腦癌出現了可能的進展。膠質母細胞瘤疫苗的臨床試驗正在進行中,到目前為止給一些患者帶來了寶貴的額外時間。 把我們這些分享都背出,堅持一段時間以后,你的全方位能力都會有全面的提升。所以 今天你打卡了麼?

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