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5 小時 11 分鐘
11 聲音







1. 通過10堂輕鬆課程,讓你掌握大腦運作模式、擁有效率記憶法。

2. 從了解潛意識、了解大腦運作機制,以及掌控大腦運轉思維,這堂課帶你從學理面到執行面,架構性學習效率記憶法。每集還提供可以實際操作與練習的方法,大腦進步好有感。

3. 你將學到:架構理解大腦與潛意識運作機制 ;記憶力超強的腦袋是怎樣的;如何提升工作與生活效率。

4. 本課程為英語原聲課程,完整還原講述,為你打造全英文的環境;另外配以逐字的英文文稿,幫助你快速提升英語水平,更好地吸收理解課程。 

  • Edie Allard(伊迪・阿拉德)
    Edie Allard(伊迪・阿拉德)
    Wonder Media Network 著名聲音制作人

5. Spatial memory and the memory palaceYou're listening to memory booster, aHimalaya learning audio course. Be sure to check out all of the other exclusivecourses in the Himalaya app or on himalaya.com. I need to go to my mind others.He's not really doing much talking for a while.[00:00:28] Um,[00:00:32] Hi, I'm ed Allard. And this ismemory booster in this show. You'll hear from memory experts at leadinguniversities, from Harvard to Columbia and many more. I'll talk to them aboutdifferent kinds of memory, along with some other fascinating topics. I'mcurious about at the end of every episode, we'll review a trick technique orexercise you can use to make your memory work for you.[00:00:58] Today on memory booster, we'regetting spatial so far. We've learned about the three main categories ofmemory, working memory, episodic memory and semantic memory. But now it's timeto get specific. I have a lot of questions about different memory, topics andtechniques I've heard about fro...

2. Short-term Memory2.短時記憶 Yeah. You seesomeone memorize all 52 cards and order forwards and backwards. It just looksunreal. That's memory athlete, Nelson delis in 2012, he set a record when hememorized an entire deck of cards in 40 seconds. Let's back up. Yes, I did justsay memory athlete, but what is that? It is the ninth annual USA nationalmemory championship. 是 啊。你看到有人把52張牌都背下來,然后前后順序排列。只是看起來不真實。這就是記憶運動員,納爾遜·德里斯在2012年創造了一個記錄,他在40秒內記住了一整副牌。我們退后。是的,我剛才說的是記憶運動員,但那是什麼?這是第九屆美國國家記憶錦標賽。 Hello everyone.I'm Kenny rice and welcome to championship day. For most of us, we face thosedaunting daily memory tests, trying to keep up with the names of people we havemet over the course of the day. Did we get everything right on that shoppinglist? Of course the one that is boggled generations, where are the car keys? 大家好。我是肯尼·賴斯,歡迎來到...

9. Learning language, an incredible featYou're listening to memory booster, aHimalaya learning audio course. Be sure to check out all of the other exclusivecourses in the Himalayas app or on himalaya.com. Before we get started, thisepisode contains some references to violent crimes or assaults that may not besuitable for all listeners.[00:00:26] If you're sensitive to hearingabout topics like that, it may be best to sit this one out. Thanks everyone.[00:00:36] it's time for another memorytest. This will all make sense at the end of the episode, but by now I'm sureyou're used to little experiments on this podcast. Here's how it's going to go.I'll give you three lists of 12 words, pausing for a few seconds between eachlist. Don't write them down. Just listen to the words and I'll quiz you at theend of the episode to see how much of the list you remember.[00:00:58] Does that sound good? Great.Here's the first list. Door, glass pane, shade ledge.[00:01:16] House[00:01:32] nur...

3. Episodic Memory3.情景記憶No, I have to be honest.This is awesome. I'm very excited. A little nervous. 不,我得說實話。這太棒了。我很興奮。有點緊張。 Hi, I'm edAllard. And this is memory booster in this show. You'll hear from memoryexperts at leading universities, from Harvard to Columbia and many more. I'lltalk to them about different kinds of memory, along with some other fascinatingtopics. I'm curious about at the end of every episode, we'll review a tricktechnique or exercise you can use to make your memory work for you. 嗨,我是埃德·阿拉德。這是這個節目中的記憶助推器。從哈佛大學到哥倫比亞大學,甚至更多的大學,你都會聽到記憶專家的演講。我會和他們談論不同類型的記憶,以及一些其他有趣的話題。我很好奇在每一集的結尾,我們將回顧一個技巧或練習,你可以用來讓你的記憶為你工作。 I bet. You'rewondering what that was at the beginning of the episode. Well, it has to dowith this week's memory exercise at the end of the show last week, we learnedabout memory trick...

8. Remembering names and facesyou're listening to memory booster, aHimalaya learning audio course. Be sure to check out all of the other exclusivecourses in the Himalaya app or on himalaya.com.[00:00:24] Hi, I'm ed Allard and this ismemory booster. In this show, you'll hear from memory experts at leadinguniversities, from Harvard to Columbia and many more. I'll talk to them aboutdifferent kinds of memory, along with some other fascinating topics. I'mcurious about at the end of every episode, we'll review a trick technique orexercise you can use to make your memory work for you.[00:00:49] The pilots you seem somewhatfamiliar that threatened you before. I like a point of avoiding for many artsywith pirates. Ah, it's been a one time captain.[00:01:02] Yes, sir. You mentioned battle[00:01:09] unless the bond James Bond havewe met before? Oh, I think I'd remember.[00:01:19] Recognizing faces andremembering people's names are an essential part of life. If you want tosuccessful...

6. Visual memories and photographic memoriesyou're listening to memory booster, aHimalaya learning audio course. Be sure to check out all of the other exclusivecourses in the Himalaya app or on himalaya.com.[00:00:24] Hi, I'm ed Allard and this is memorybooster. In this show, you'll hear from memory experts at leading universities,from Harvard to Columbia and many more. I'll talk to them about different kindsof memory, along with some other fascinating topics. I'm curious about at theend of every episode, we'll review a trick technique or exercise you can use tomake your memory work for you.[00:00:50] Like a lot of millennials, I'mconstantly taking photographs, but it's only because I have a terrible visualmemory. I'm not kidding. One of the reasons why I wanted to pursue this show isbecause they struggle so much to remember how some of the most importantmoments of my life actually looked. So you can probably imagine why I'm sofascinated with the idea of a photographic m...

4.Semantic memory 4.語義記憶 I think it'slike really, really fascinating this idea of how we take new information inevery single day. And you know, how the brain figures out basically how it'srelated. To everything, like all of our general knowledge and everything thatwe already know about the world and kind of is able to like constantly buildson these knowledge structures in our brain to help us understand how the worldworks and navigate the world and, and, you know, 我覺得這真的很吸引人關於我們如何在每一天獲取新信息的想法。你知道,大腦基本上是如何理解它們之間的聯系的。對於一切事物,比如我們所有的常識,以及我們已經知道的關於這個世界的一切,以及我們能夠喜歡的東西,不斷地建立在我們大腦中的這些知識結構上,幫助我們理解世界是如何運作的,並且,你知道,learn this it's,it's just like the foundation of everything that we do, you know, it's ourlanguage. 了解這一點,它就像我們所做的一切的基礎,你知道,這是我們的語言。  It's our.Ability to make predictions and decisi...

Trailer:Introducing Memory Booster 預告片:介紹記憶助推器 Let's trysomething. I'm going to give you a list of six words at the end of thistrailer. I'll give you a little quiz involving the list. You ready? Let's go.Here are the words. Apple book, giraffe, airplane, telephone umbrella. Got it.Good luck. Now I should take a step back. Why am I listing words and playingmemory games? 我們試試吧。我會在預告片的結尾給你一個六個單詞的列表。我給你做一個小測驗,涉及到名單。準備好了嗎?走吧。以下是文字。蘋果書,長頸鹿,飛機,電話傘。知道了。祝你好運。現在我應該退后一步。為什麼我要列出單詞和玩記憶遊戲? Well, my name'sed Allard host of a new show from Himalaya and wonder media network, memorybooster. Memory booster is all about learning the science behind what makesyour memory tick and how to make it work for you. Every episode, you'll hear aninterview with a 嗯,我叫埃德·阿拉德,主持喜瑪拉雅和奇跡媒體網的一個新節目,記憶助推器。記憶助推器就是學習什麼使你的記憶活...

1. Introduction To Memory 1.記憶概論 We'll see whichone you remember. No, writing them down and no cheating. This will all makesense later. I promise. Here's the number six seven four two (084) 394-9590.You need that one more time. It's six seven four two (084) 394-9590. And here'sthe phrase Jack runs from purple bees. One more time. Jack runs from purplebees. 我們會記得的。不,寫下來,不要作弊。以后這些都會有意義的。我保證。這是六七四二(084)394-9590。你需要再來一次。是六七四二(084)394-9590。這是傑克從紫色蜜蜂那里得到的短語。再來一次。傑克逃避紫蜂。 Good luck.That's what happens to the majority of people in the world. They don't know howto use this, this mental. Benefit that they were born with. Most people don'tuse any way, need 10% of the memory they were born with. I liked the feel Iteach another 40 or 50%. So, you know, again, even if the systems don't work,you're exercising your mind, you're exercising your brain. 祝你好運。世界上大多數人都是這樣。他...

7. Learning language, an incredible featYou're listening to memory booster, aHimalaya learning audio course. Be sure to check out all of the other exclusivecourses in the Himalaya app or on himalaya.com. I find, I struggled to learnnew words and struggle to retain memory of anything, right? Like, like lots ofadults. And yet, you know, the other day I was in a grocery store and the songthat I hadn't heard in decades came on and I knew every single lyric.[00:00:34] How is that possible? How is itpossible? Well, that's the case, but that's just another example of, you know,particularly with language, we have this incredible memory for it, particularlyfor before you learned it.[00:00:53] Hi, I'm ed Allard. And this ismemory booster. In this show, you'll hear from memory experts at leadinguniversities, from Harvard to Columbia and many more. I'll talk to them aboutdifferent kinds of memory, along with some other fascinating topics. I'mcurious about at the end of every episode...

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