Think Like a Lawyer

Think Like a Lawyer

A Superpower Anyone Can Learn

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3 小時 33 分鐘
16 聲音

Thinking like a lawyer is a superpower that anyone can learn. It’s about using a specific frame of mind to approach your problems. In this course, lawyer Dara Tarkowski will teach you how to navigate this legal world we all live in, so that you are better prepared to make the most common, important, and stressful life events go the way you want.

What You'll Learn

  • An overview of the legal world we live in, from common law to contracts
  • How to successfully navigate important life events, like getting married, switching jobs, and having kids
  • Avoid the legal pitfalls of buying a home, and estate planning
  • Dara Tarkowski
    Dara Tarkowski
    Lawyer & Entrepreneur

Why would anyone want to think like a lawyer? We’ll explore the different ways lawyers think, and learn about the problems and key characteristics of how legal minds work.

Why would anyone want to think like a lawyer? We’ll explore the different ways lawyers think, and learn about the problems and key characteristics of how legal minds work.

In order to achieve whatever goal you’re after, it’s critical to know your audience. Get an overview of the art of persuasion, why people are so resistant to having their minds changed, and why knowing your audience and what motivates them will help you achieve your goals, no matter what those goals may be.

Understand the distinctions between our civil and criminal justice systems, as well as where the overlaps are.

What’s the difference between a statute and a regulation? Dive into the differences between statutes and regulations. Learn about the people and the institutions behind these concepts, as well as what it has to do with you, and what you can do about it.

From buying a house to joining a gym to downloading an app, contracts run our lives. Why is America obsessed with them? Learn about the “freedom of contract,” and the various roles contracts play in your day to day life.

The news often gives us a glimpse into the world of law and our judiciary. But how often do you really understand the processes, procedures and concepts you hear about? Explore key examples from the 2020 election.

The role of law enforcement in society has become a polarizing topic, and there are important things you need to know when encountering law enforcement. Understand your legal rights, and come to know the difference between a “consensual encounter” and an “investigative stop.”

Are you ready to get a new job? Are you sure you are on legally solid footing to do that? Enter the exciting world of non-compete agreements, confidentiality, and trade secrets, as well as the agreements you need to manage while starting a new job or leaving an old one.

Nothing says love and commitment like licenses and life insurance, right? Find out what you need to know before walking down the aisle—from prenups to name changes, and all the legal stuff in between.

Starting a family can be stressful. From infertility to adoption, examine the important legal issues you should consider as you plan your family.

Real estate transactions have many moving parts, and each of them involves contracts. There is no better time to think like a lawyer than when you’re dealing with agents, brokers, bankers, appraisers, title companies, and other lawyers. Master these transactions.

Planning for the tragic moments in your life is unpleasant and difficult. From estate planning, living wills, healthcare powers of attorney, and what to do when you lose a loved one, learn what concrete steps you can take for yourself and your loved ones to make life’s most painful moments a bit easier.

There are so many ways people get themselves into trouble online. Whether you’re dealing with social media copyright infringement, freedom of speech issues, or revenge porn, you have to be smart on the internet. Stay out of trouble.

70 million Americans have started a side hustle. Want to join them? Find out what you need to know when starting any kind of business, and how to make sure your side hustle doesn’t become your only hustle.


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