The Blueprint

The Blueprint

Pinpoint & Monetize Your Genius

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3 小時 47 分鐘
10 聲音
28 Resources

Society has unconsciously programmed us to live by default; to go to school, get a job that is probably unfulfilling, work with people you may not like, and in 30 years retire and live the life you always dreamed of. What if you could live the life you always dreamed of right now? Your “genius” is the intersection of your passion and your talent. 

The reason people don’t live in their “genius” is because they just don’t have the blueprint to do so. Join me on this transformational journey as I hold your hand and give you actionable steps to create your own personalized “monetization blueprint” that will show you how to monetize the intersection of your passion and your talent and live in your “genius.”  

What You'll Learn

  • How to identify your talents 

  • How to find your “why” 

  • How to find and jumpstart your passion

  • Jay Jones
    Jay Jones
    Serial entrepreneur, author, coach, speaker, and podcast host of "Black Entrepreneur Blueprint."

Join me as I give an overview of the program and lay the foundation for your transformation from living by default to living in your “genius.” In this session we will establish the foundational principles of the program and have you completed several self-assessment worksheets to help identify the gaps of where you currently are, versus where you want to be.

In order to pinpoint and monetize your “genius,” you must first determine and acknowledge your passions. This episode is designed to help you uncover and identify your true passions as this is the first step in your “Genius” mind map.

In this episode we will help you explore and define your true talents. Your talents are integral in the formulation of your personalized “Monetization Blueprint.”

Many people have an unbalanced life / work relationship that is not conducive for living in your “genius.” In this episode we will explore your current life / work balance and help design a more efficient model where your work revolves around your life, not the other way around.

This is where the rubber meets the road. Most people do not have the blueprint to monetize their “genius.” In this episode we are going to develop your customized monetization plan by utilizing the “6 Things You Can Sell” chart to home in on your first product or service.

In order to monetize your “genius,” you must have a product or service to sell. In this episode we will help you create your first product or service using my proprietary mind map.

To make money you must understand the importance of building a database to sell to - your database is the biggest asset your company has. You also need to serve the community that you create by staying in contact with them on a regular basis.

In this episode we will design a marketing machine that will systematically help you attract leads and nurture those leads into paying customers by building sales funnels. Without leads you have no prospects, and without prospects you have no sales, and without sales you have no business.

The execution phase is the business phase where most people fail. In this episode we will discuss the importance of execution and how to create business systems to help you execute and stay on track to meet your key performance indicators.

In this episode we will put all the pieces together so you can start living in your “genius.” This is the culmination of all your hard work and discipline that has taken you to the finish line. You will receive your customized “Monetization Blueprint” that will assist you in living in your “genius.”



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