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午夜寂靜的美麗 原創鋼琴曲 作曲:呂恒 作詞:呂恒 演奏:呂恒 鋼琴曲純音樂作品,請您欣賞。

徘徊如從前 原創鋼琴曲 作曲:呂恒 作詞:丹妮 演奏:呂恒 鋼琴曲純音樂作品,請您欣賞。

舞之靈動 原創鋼琴曲 作曲:呂恒 作詞:走樂 演奏:呂恒 鋼琴曲純音樂作品,請您欣賞。 On the lawn 草坪之上 The light piano music drifts with the wind 輕快的鋼琴曲隨風飄蕩 A girl hired Tingting 一個聘聘婷婷的女孩 Dance to the beat 一個聘聘婷婷的女孩 Her movements are skillful and graceful 她的動作嫻熟而婀娜 Her expression is accompanied by melody 她的表情伴著旋律 Sometimes you smile 時而笑顏璨璨 Now and then, I'm bending my eyebrows 時而側身低垂眉彎 Sometimes Chang'e rushes to the moon 時而嫦娥奔月 Now and then, we're racing 時而又策馬奔騰 Dance to music 舞隨樂轉 Eyes twinkled with longing light 眼神閃爍著憧憬的光芒 The music is murmuring 樂曲聲潺潺 The dancer's body 舞者的身軀柔曼 hers 她的 Like a happy brook 肢體 仿若歡暢的小溪 Vision seems to penetrate the vast land 視野 好像要穿透廣袤的土地 Step is the key of beating 步伐 是跳動的琴鍵 Dancing like a curling note 舞姿 如嫋嫋的音符 she 她 Wave your arms and call for a better future 揮舞雙臂 召喚美好的未來 Spread your legs and extend yo...

踏上稻鄉原創鋼琴曲作曲:呂恒作詞:呂恒演奏:呂恒鋼琴曲純音樂作品,請您欣賞。The breeze in the distance brings a light fragrance of rice遠處清風送來淡淡的稻香A golden paddy field came into my eyes一片金色的稻田映入眼眶The birds are chirping merrily鳥鳴在歡樂地啁啾White clouds like lonely travelers白雲如孤獨的旅人Rush to the distance匆匆奔向遠方The sunshine of happiness幸福的陽光輝映著Those familiar figures那些熟悉的身影Continued the impression of my childhood續接了我童年的印象Always dream始終保有夢想Adhere to inner innocence堅持內心童真Let's keep our original heart in the long journey讓我們在遠行中守住初心There is always wind and rain behind the growth成長的背后總有風雨Want to surpass the ordinary想要超越平凡Fearing the long way不畏路途遙遠Always look forward with a smile時刻帶著微笑找尋前方Tenacious Scarecrow頑強的稻草人He stood in silence他默默地站著Brave the wind and rain不畏風雨艱險Not afraid of the long darkness不怕黑暗漫長Reaping the beauty of nature收獲著自然美麗的景象Maybe he...

月光灑向海面原創鋼琴曲作曲:呂恒作詞:呂恒演奏:呂恒鋼琴曲純音樂作品,請您欣賞。Stroll along the sea 輕輕漫步海邊Watching the soft moonlight on the sea 望著輕柔的月光灑向海面It's like pure love 就好像純稚的愛戀Let the warmth fill the heart 讓溫暖充溢心間The sea breeze caresses the sea 海風輕拂著海面It's like a dream, a call from afar 像是夢想遠處的呼喚Beautiful notes make waves 優美的音符激起浪花Come to me with a smile 帶著微笑向我走來It was a long journey那是一段遙遠的旅程Remember my childhood dream 還記得小時候的夢想Beautiful and sweet 美好而又甜美Every little wish 每個小小的心願All want to work hard to achieve 都想要努力去實現I believe one day 我相信有一天Broken bubbles can also shine brightly. 破碎的泡沫也能發出耀眼的光芒How many years later 多少年以后Looking back at a string of footprints behind me 回頭望去身后的一串串腳印Full of joy and moving 充滿著欣喜與感動Left a wonderful moment of life&nb...

呂恒-夏風之聲原創鋼琴曲作曲:呂恒作詞:呂恒演奏:呂恒鋼琴曲純音樂作品,請您欣賞。The sun fades from the sky太陽從天空中隱去With the sweet sound of cicadas伴隨著蟬鳴甜美的聲音It's like composing a hymn仿佛是譜寫了一曲讚歌Let summer be filled with happy laughter讓夏日充滿歡快的笑聲Walking alone by the lake獨自漫步在湖邊A pleasant fragrance comes from the summer breeze夏風輕輕吹來怡人的芳香Look at the silent night sky放眼望去寂靜的夜空中The stars twinkled with dazzling light星星閃爍著耀眼的光芒The willows were swept by the breeze柳樹在微風的輕拂下Dancing gently and gracefully跳起了輕柔優美的舞姿Showing the vitality of youth展示著青春的活力It's an incomparable picture是一幅無與倫比的畫面Let me feel the vision of the future讓我感到對未來的憧憬See the children's lively time看到孩子們熱鬨的時光Brilliant smiles permeated his face臉上洋溢著燦爛的笑容Take me back to my childhood memories帶我回到了童年的記憶As if the mother's love flowed quietly仿佛是媽媽的愛靜靜流淌Peace and serenity accompan...

呂恒-消逝的回憶 原創鋼琴曲 作曲:呂恒 作詞:令狐銳潔 演奏:呂恒 鋼琴曲純音樂作品,請您欣賞。 Youth is a single wing angel who wants to fly but how to fly away. 青春,是單翅膀的天使,想要飛翔,卻怎麼飛到遠方? Those flowers are blooming and scattered. 那些花兒,盛開了,散落了。 The past has faded away, but the memories, eternal memories, some sad memories, some painful memories, are doomed to eternity. Like a sad elegy, against the last sunset on the horizon, quietly gone away... 過去的已淡淡失去了,但那回憶,永恒的回憶,有些憂傷的回憶,有些許疼痛的回憶,注定永恒。像一首憂傷的挽歌,襯著天邊最后一道晚霞,靜靜地遠去了…… Life teaches us to accept and face calmly, just as we greet the sunrise and farewell sunset every day, life seems to be full of meaningful greeting and announcement rituals, like the growth of plants on the earth, blooming and withering in the blossom and fall, ev...

呂恒-芭蕾舞曲原創鋼琴曲作曲:呂恒作詞:呂恒演奏:呂恒鋼琴曲純音樂作品,請您欣賞。Dreams are flying at the foot of the Great Wall.夢想在長城腳下放飛Hope is ignited in our minds.希望在我們腦海中點燃A bright light in the dark黑暗中一盞明燈Guiding our whereabouts指引著我們的去向Feet are the life of ballet.腳是芭蕾中的生命A pair of speaking feet.一雙會說話的腳Expressing the feelings of dancers表達著舞者的情感Feet are the continuation of ballet.腳是芭蕾的延續It's also the brush of ballet dancer's life.也是芭蕾舞者生命的畫筆When melodious melody rings當悠揚的旋律響起I feel like a fairy tale in music.我仿佛置於音樂的童話中They stood on tiptoe.她們踮起腳尖Elegant and noble steps優雅高貴的步伐Exquisite white gauze skirt精致倩麗的白紗裙Light and graceful dance輕盈柔美的舞姿It looks like a beautiful swan.好像是美麗的天鵝On the calm lake在平靜的湖面上Rise and dance in a happy mood翩翩起舞The golden light sparkled in the sunlight.在太陽的照耀下金光閃爍Beautiful and moving美麗動人She makes you pur...

呂恒-最初的美好原創鋼琴曲作曲:呂恒作詞:走樂演奏:呂恒鋼琴曲純音樂作品,請您欣賞。The most beautiful thing in life is not to retain time, but to retain it. I hope this old photo, this old book, is my souvenir.人生最美的事不是留住時光,而是留住記憶。但願,這一張老照片,這一本舊書是我刻意封存的留念。The vicissitudes of things are changing. I fear that as time goes by, I will forget the past.世事變遷,滄海桑田。我害怕隨著時間的轉迭,我會將過去的美好漸漸忘卻。When youth is gone and time goes by, we can only live in memory. The past with the wind and the loved ones far away will become our deep-seated memories. Until then, memories are the heaven and earth, and also the final feelings in the bottom of my heart.當青春不在,時光流逝,我們就只能活在記憶里。隨風的往事,遠離的親人,都將成為我們刻骨的銘記。待到那時,回憶是天地,也是心底最后的感懷。Touch the heart, there is always a beautiful smile in the memory; recall the past, eyes full of contemplation and quiet beauty; open the corner of ...

呂恒-溫暖的詩篇 原創鋼琴曲 作曲:呂恒 作詞:張潤蘭 演奏:呂恒 鋼琴曲純音樂作品,請您欣賞。 Spring breeze blowing slowly, blowing warmth, blowing warmth and hope; Spring rain, sprinkled with hearts, moistening expectations and dreams; Spring flowers quietly open, open a smile, fragrant longing and yearning. 春天的風徐徐吹,吹來了溫暖,吹來了和煦與希望;春天的雨綿綿灑,灑滿了心田,滋潤了期待及夢想;春天的花靜靜的開,開放著笑顏,芬芳著憧憬和向往。 That kind, beautiful and tender feeling, once again sprouting in the heart, emits bursts of fresh, filled with intoxicating fragrance; that touch of true feelings, once again ignited by passion, embellishing the most beautiful spring years. 那一份善美柔情,又一次萌芽心中,散發出陣陣清新,彌漫著醉人芳香;那一抹至真情懷,再一次激情點燃,葳蕤著流年歲月,點綴著最美春光。 Not all expectations will meet people's wishes, not all dreams, can ...

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