Wheeler In The Morning With Dave, Candace Rae and The Jaguar

Wheeler In The Morning With Dave, Candace Rae and The Jaguar




THIS IS NOT A RADIO PODCAST!! SafetyNetStudio’s: Wheeler in The Morning is a multicultural show consisting of Dave Wheeler; Scottish/German/English.
Candace Rae Wheeler; Metis/Italian/Ukrainian, and The Jaguar; Russian/Mennonite. All born and raised in Canada between Fort McMurray Alberta and Winnipeg Manitoba.
Dave Wheeler is a 20 year radio/television/film veteran who has hosted iconic radio morning shows such as ‘Wheeler and Hal’, and ‘Wheeler in The Morning’ on both radio and television. He has acted in featured films such as ‘Goon’ and television sketch comedy series; ‘Sunnyside’.
Candace Rae Wheeler, wife of Dave Wheeler. Is a former international spokes-model and has appeared in publications such as GQ, Men’s Health, Maxim and The Iconic Playboy Magazine. She has worked with the Bermudian Government and was the hostess and spokes-model for Australia’s ‘Savvy.com’.
The man known only as “The Sad Jaguar” is Winnipeg born and bread and has played in many acclaimed bands in the city of Winnipeg, notably “Lives of Many” and “Arms Around The Stereo”. He has had great success as a business owner and continues to write music while travelling the world in his off-time.
