Leadercast Over Espresso Coffee
55min2019 JUN 19
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My Area Network CEO Scott Conlon Leader,  Development is focused on helping you develop a web presence for your new projectCast http://anthonykovic.com/  MyAreaNetwork is a platform that drives community involvement and engagement through entertainment, dining, events and community activities. It is a source for locals to engage both online and offline through social networking and events in their local area. This provides a unique opportunity to connect businesses with this targeted audience to attract new customers.Our platform also provides the tools for Local Businesses to enhance and optimize their marketing campaigns online, in-store and in their community. This includes deploying multi-channel marketing campaigns through Online Advertising, Email Marketing, Text Marketing, Loyalty Programs and Event Promotions. We solve the difficult problem for businesses, how to gain and retain local customers.-Traditional media still owns the lion share of local advertising spend but f...

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